DOORS funds two core programs for DDDC students and provides additional support to the school for core needs, as well as staff appreciation.
Week-long Overnight Camp
This is our signature program, offering our kids an opportunity to enjoy a week in the Poconos in a safe and supportive setting.
The salaries of counselors/ consultants are paid for by DOORS. The majority of individuals hired are DDDC staff i.e. teachers, speech pathologists, home programmers and assistant teachers. They provide our campers with one on one or two on one consultant to camper ratios.
After School Program
DOORS supports this critical program that gives our kids a chance to engage with the community while giving working parents additional time. The program is provided for up to three days per week. Activities include swimming, bowling, roller and ice skating, and gymnastics. Students are paired one-to-one with college students and typically developing peers.
Douglass Adult Program
the Douglass Adult Program, a division of the Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center (DDDC) was established to provide comprehensive, individualized adult services to adults with autism and t
heir families. DOORS provides organizational support to the DDDC that benefits the Adult program.
Staff Appreciation Activities
DOORS pays the full cost of many of activities to honor the hard working, caring, dedicated staff of the DDDC.